
eSafety is a key component of our education philosophy at Rowville Primary School, and plays an important part of our Digital Technology program.

Unlike previous generations who were introduced to digital technology at a later age, the current generation of students has greater access not only to technology, but also to the potential dangers of the current digital world. 

At Rowville Primary School we actively work on upskilling our staff, students and families about eSafety and the role they play in staying safe online.

Our teachers regularly discuss with students things such as online etiquette, understanding Cyberbullying, use of Social media, and what to do when a you are involved or confronted with a difficult situation online.

We believe that eSafety is a shared responsibility between students, parents and schools.
To help improve the understanding of the potential dangers of the online world, this page contains several resources that we encourage our families to use.

eSafety Commisioner

eSafety Commisioner is a Government run website that has some fantastic resources for people of all ages. 
We recommend that parents subscribe to the eSafety Commissioner’s newsletter to stay up to date with lates

Younger Children:

Bully Stoppers

Bully Stoppers is another Government run website that specifically deals with online bullying. Their resources are targeted directly for students, parents and schools. 


Kids Helpline

Kids HelpLine is there to help kids and families with the difficulties of growing up in the modern world.
They have a free 24/7 phone number — 1800 55 1800 that provides phone counselling services.
Kids Helpline also has some great online resources for all ages.
